Marriage does not always equal happiness
By Corey Lamar Tanksley
Here is some breaking news! Marriage is not for everyone. Marriage is not the end all be all. You will not go to hell and burn forever if you do not get married. Please don't misunderstand me. Marriage can be the most beautiful thing in life if you are married to the right person for the right reasons. The universe dolls out relationship blessings in a haphazard and extremely random way. Who knows why some folks have seemingly found their soulmate and why others can not find a decent date. As the old saying goes, the grass may not be greener on the other side. Folks get married for all kinds of silly reasons and then six months later divorce. I hate to say this, but some ladies get married for the wedding only. They love the pomp and circumstance of a wedding. The attention for some is intoxicating. They spend more time and money planning the wedding day than they do on the actual marriage. They secretly crave to make other ladies jealous and revel in the fact that they are married and you are not. Be very careful with whom you call friends. Some folks make the mistake of marrying the wrong person and it destroys their life. They marry a person for everyone else except for them. Or they ignore obvious red flags, but could care less just so that they are married. Marriage is not a guarantee of happiness. Marriage is constant work. Marriage is not a barometer of your worth as an adult. Stop thinking that something is wrong with you because like me you are over the age of 35 and still single. Some folks are married and still single. Some folks get married because they think it will make them happy. No! You are responsible for your happiness...period! You have to be happy solo before you can get with someone else and pray they can make you happy. All a husband or wife is there to do is to enhance the person you already are. If you are happy then they will make you happier. However, if you are broken you can and will be exposed. Bottom line if you are going to marry someone do it for the right reasons and with the right person and I guarantee happiness. If you are single like me revel in your freedom to do what you want with who you want. Some of us are not meant to be wedded. However, if that person comes along pounce on them like a lion on a zebra . Until then be happy with you. Remember true happiness is an inside job.
Corey Lamar Tanksley is an award winning author from Rochester, NY. His novels B-boy to Man: Freshmen and Sophomore Jinx are out now on He is a single dad of three young ladies.