Who Holds the Key to Your Happiness?


By Jessica Lewis

If it costs you your happiness, it’s too expensive. All too often women find themselves placing the onus of their happiness on someone or something else. You’ll hear things like “he doesn’t make me happy,” “I’m unhappy with my current situation,” “food makes me happy,” or “shopping makes me happy.” Do you know that the key to your happiness resides within you? There is not a thing or person on earth responsible for your happiness.

Happiness comes from within. True happiness is having joy deep down on the inside. It doesn’t mean you won’t have bad days. It doesn’t mean you won’t get upset, but it’s the feeling that returns after you’ve reconciled your emotions. And, little do most people know, you have to practice being happy. I know that sounds a little weird, but think about it like this. Sometimes people dwell in their sorrow. Others are ‘Negative Nancy’s.’ You have to practice rebuking those spirits so they don’t become habit. Don’t sulk if you’re in a bad situation. Know when it’s time to move on. When it comes to other situations, know when it’s appropriate to keep your opinion to yourself. You may not like your co-worker’s shirt, but maybe that’s her favorite shirt. You may disagree with your supervisor’s approach to solving a problem but that’s how he is choosing to deal with it. It’s almost like picking and choosing battles within yourself. Ask yourself - does this require a response from me? How will my words or actions impact the other person? Know that what you put out, you will get in return. People who do a lot of complaining often find themselves alone. Nobody wants to be around that type of energy. People who are genuinely happy attract people because they give off good energy. What kind of energy are you giving off?

If you find yourself battling within try journaling.  You have to rid yourself of the everyday test and trials. Journaling has been shown to improve problem-solving abilities. Many people find that using a journal helps them to better assess their thoughts and feelings and to find clarity. The process of putting pen to paper and then seeing your words on the page can help you solve problems while keeping matters in perspective and priorities straight. You may release pent-up emotions in the process which is a good thing, too.

You can also try prayer. Praying to God allows you to tell Him all about it. Whatever is weighing you down, you can tell the Father. Some practice meditation or mindfulness. Positioning yourself to quiet the mind and body can produce benefits to relive stress and anxiety. All of these are ways to practice balance which will give you peace and ultimately happiness.

If none of these work and you still find yourself wracking your brain trying to figure out life’s inevitable challenges, speak to a professional who can help get to the root of your problems and find solutions that work best for you.

For these and more tips on finding happiness from within, LIKE Single Dope Black Chick on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/singledopeblackchick/

PostJessica Lewis