SDBC Feature of the Week: August Dunlop

August Dunlop.jpg

Meet our #SDBC Feature of the Week!

August is living her best life by taking the time to do the things that make her happy! She loves spending time with family and friends. She works within her Professional Woman’s organization, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc, as well as within her church community to give back to our city.

August has a passion for ensuring that our black and brown youth will be represented properly within corporate America.  August would like to broaden this challenge by working with our inner-city youth to have a hand in workforce preparation, and professional development.

For August, living the single life is not a hindrance, but it is a push to continue to be her best self. She is not perfect, but she knows that she is worth it.


To be featured as the #SDBC of the week, inbox us a photo doing something you love and how you’re living your best life as a single woman!

SDBC FeatureJessica Lewis