SDBC Feature of the Week: Kaitlin White


Meet our #SDBC Feature of the Week!

Kaitlin White is a 27 year old Chicago native who enjoys reading, writing, and inspiring women. After receiving her Bachelors degree in Communications Studies in 2015 at Eastern Illinois University, she moved to Atlanta with her son to pursue a career in Human Resources.

In 2017, after receiving the devastating news of the death of her child’s father, Kaitlin started the Her Gems Podcast where she takes women on a journey of healing, faith, and finding self-love. She is truly one single, dope, black chick who’s ambition surpasses all self-doubt and insecurities!


To be featured as the #SDBC of the week, inbox us a photo doing something you love and how you’re living your best life as a single woman!

SDBC FeatureJessica Lewis