Suddenly Single

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By Anitra Medlock

The month of August is the 8th month of the year. The number eight represents new beginnings. Being single and dope comes with many new beginnings- some we welcome and some we wish never began. In 2010, I found myself at a new beginning; I found myself suddenly single, and not only single but a single mother. October 20, 2010, our family welcomed a new baby boy! It was the new beginning we waited eagerly for. My husband and I planned every moment of this new phase of our lives. The new addition to our family seemed to make life complete. Our eldest child talked about being an older brother and how life would be different for him. It was an exciting time, but short-lived. You see, a new beginning came that we hadn’t planned for. Just nine days after this joyous occasion, my husband was killed in a tragic car accident.
What do you do when you become suddenly single? 7 years ago or even three years ago I could not have answered this question without bitterness in my heart. Now as I look back and reflect on being suddenly single, I realize that the event which caused me to be “suddenly single” does not define my being. I want to encourage those women who have found themselves suddenly single, to be free in your heart and your mind and to release the “what if”. Your “suddenly single” moment may be completely different from mine, however the only way you can move forward is by seeing it as a new beginning. Although not welcomed, but nevertheless here. If my husband’s passing has taught me anything, it is to live life on purpose. Only once you have healed from the hurt and the disappointment, can you then embrace your new beginning. You are a Single Dope Black Chick.

Anitra Medlock was born in Rochester, NY. She is the oldest of 3 siblings and has 2 children. She relocated to Atlanta, Georgia in 2015 where she continued a career in healthcare. Just recently she decided to live out her passion and started teaching in Special Education this past January. Anitra loves to write, listen to music and podcasts of motivational speakers. Anitra is a dedicated mom, supporting her children in both sports and academics. In her spare time, you’ll find her at the movies (more so for the popcorn than the film itself) or perusing neighborhoods looking at new homes. Anitra is currently pursuing her certification in teaching and plans to obtain her doctorate in educational leadership in the near future. Want a good read for your new beginning? Anitra is currently reading, “The Energy Bus” by Jon Gordon.  

PostJessica Lewis